This Used To Be A Hell Of A Town Or Kristallnacht Or Rashomon


Earthquakes and wars flatten streets, factories, homes and buildings.   But disaster gives an observer the chance to see   the layout of a city revealed in a way that otherwise would be impossible.  Now the collapse of the traditional liberal ‘left’ allows us to see right across a Germanic political city unimpeded by many of the structures that have obscured the view for the past century.


As we survey the newly revealed topography we can begin to understand what has collapsed and how . We can see that every major event in Germanic politics and culture over the past four decades is the result of the collapse of the Germanic left and the dissolution of the political structures it created.


The Germanic left existed as a globally significant social force for 100 years from the late 1870s until the 1970’s and its final utter collapse. In that century, socialism transformed the way that Germanic societies operated both internally and in the rest of the world.


Socialism acted historically as a means of extending and consolidating Germanic economic and political power in the same way that the missionary movement extended and consolidated the power of colonising nations in the two centuries before the rise of the modern Germanic empire.


Socialism  justified ever expanding Germanic control of the world’s resources under the rubric of ‘progress’. The pains and tribulations inflicted by  Germanic capitalistic control were justified on the basis that subject peoples were receiving the gift of progress and development tomorrow as compensation in  trade for pain and suffering today. Just as the inhabitants of Manhattan exchanged their island in return for a box of worthless trinkets, so generations of  world people have had their real future stolen and exchanged for  Germanic ‘progress’.


Let us be absolutely clear; at base the ‘left’ and ‘socialism’ are apologists for and enablers of Germanic control and nothing more. Socialists  plead to the masters  on behalf of oppressed peoples and make a show of seeking some mitigation of their suffering. In turn they seek to instruct these lesser peoples in the ways they could avoid unnecessary suffering and even further their interests under the Germanic system. It’s all about how to get along and not cause too much trouble. We might be even able to squeeze you out a little ‘welfare’ payment if you are good.


The Germanic left acted as self appointed mediators between the powerful and the powerless,  oppressor and  oppressed; between the Germanic nations and the rest of the world. It is not really any wonder that Lenin and the Bolsheviks attitude towards the Germanic ‘left’ soured from friendly contempt to cold hatred over the period of the Russian Revolution.


Lenin came to understand that the Germanic ‘left’ was German first and socialist second. Which really means capitalist first and socialist second. When the mask of fake socialist internationalism was stripped away from the Germans the stage was set for a war of genocide against the Slav people. When there was no more advantage in hiding, the German werewolf came out from behind the trees….


After the Holocaust and the attempted Slav genocide  it had become apparent to the worlds population that Germanic nations armed with modern technology were if anything, more savage and more barbaric than any of the ‘backward’ nations they had claimed to be developing. The myth of progress through capitalism and Germanic culture had been IRREVERSIBLY damaged. If the Germans couldn’t civilise themselves through technology and progress, how were they supposed  to civilise the rest of the world?


This internal and external collapse of the ideological structure of capitalistic Protestantism lead directly to the protracted sickness and death of its deformed twin sister, socialism. It was not the Germanic ‘right’  that was discredited to death in the concentration camps of the second Germanic War, it was the ‘left’. This is Tragedy in the classic sense of the word.


‘Socialism’ did not fall with the collapse of the Soviet union in 1991, it fell with the first images of Auschwitz that reached  the world 45 years earlier.


The ‘Reformation’ and dissolution of the monasteries and the Church began with the murder of Catholic monks. The fall of socialism began with the murder of German socialist aesthetes in the concentration camps. This is not co-incidence. One is a replay of the other. If you doubt it, look for the roots of Nazi anti Semitism in  Martin Luther’s ravings.


Dissolution is an historical form of Kristallnacht carried out against Catholics that transformed the social, political, economic and moral landscape of North West Europe. The Protestant Kristallnacht has been absorbed into the historical fabric of Europe, but it is still possible to discern the shape of corpses buried beneath the ground.


The monastic movement was characterised by the ownership and administration of land in common under the authority of the Catholic church and the regulation of local societies under the administrative hierarchy of the clergy. This formed the basis for what is known as the ‘feudal’ economy.


After the initial shock of the attack on the monasteries, the total stripping away of their accumulated wealth took a considerable amount of time. And it was this process of stripping away that gave the new Germanic states and their societies their specific nature.


Firstly, the land that had been supposedly promised to the peasants of Germanic Europe was  rapidly allocated to the German princes behind the Reformation. It was this accumulation of land wealth into private hands from its previous common ownership, that formed the basis for Germanic Land democracy.


Once the concept of common ownership of land was effectively abolished, a whole section of society was forced out of the agrarian economy and into the cities. This of course, was the basis for urbanisation the creation of the ‘working class’ and the Germanic cult of capitalism.


As well as the land  there was  other  wealth within the monasteries. These included artworks, relics and artefacts,  and just as importantly,   wealth in the form of  knowledge which when scavenged, would form the basis for the cult of science.


Once the princes had had their pick of the wealth from the Church, what remained was left to the ordinary people. They came to scavenge in order of local social power and status and stripped away what they could – carvings, tapestries etc until even the  carved woodwork and the masonry work was carted away by peasants and used to build the walls of pigsties and cattle sheds etc.


Something very like this has happened and is happening  in the dissolution of socialism. What we can actually see right now in front of our very eyes, is various groups  within Germanic society breaking up and carting away the remaining wealth of socialism.


The national public health service. The public education system. The public housing system. The public transport system. Even the army. These are all examples of the hard wealth of socialism that are being  looted and dismembered.


But just as the knowledge base of the monasteries was taken away so the social intellectual content of socialism is being shared out among the scavengers


The organic food movement

Anti corporatism



Even Survivalism !


are all aspects of SOCIALIST  social wealth that has been carried away by the modern German peasantry. And this leads to what is most startling about all this: Where the looted goods of Socialism have been turning up.


I explained that the looting of the Church was carried out according to social status. The German Princes got the land and the most valuable items. This obviously corresponds to the new German princes who have reaped the rewards of privatisation and financialisation.


But look where all the other stuff has gone…


To name but a few things:


The spirit of self education and enquiry turns up as deformed conspiracy theory in the hand of David Icke etc and other ‘researchers’ in the alternative media

Anti corporatism ends up as Trumpa-lumpa cartoon protectionist tub thumping a la Alex Jones

Organic food taken over by corporate wannabees

The desire to be free on common land ends up as some poor sap running round in a camouflage jacket in the name of survivalism


I said there was a close relationship between the Dissolution and  Kristallnacht. Think of the way that the wealth of Communists, Jewish businesses etc all ended up in German hands. The houses, works of art, furniture etc. all appropriated  and their owners liquidated. You could be talking to a hausfrau in the street in Dusseldorf and realise that her  earrings are made of the gold fillings from somebody’s teeth.



And when the holy places have been stripped bare. And everyone in German society, even down to the lowest has had a chance to pick over the rags and the rubble. And the rag bag gang  have taken everything there is to take. And the even the doors have been stolen so the wind blows through and the roof of the building is caved in . What will be left for the likes of you and me?



I just posted that bove and then I saw this!!!



We cannot celebrate revolutionary Russian art – it is brutal propaganda

The Royal Academy is showcasing Russian art from the age of Lenin – but we must not overlook that his regime’s totalitarian violence rivalled nazism


Half a Sixpence Or Wiggle Room Or Everything’s Small In America Or Discover The Power Of TV Advertising

When I first began writing about the Credit Crunch and its consequences  I said that the defining moment in this cycle will come when the decision is made to re-introduce aspects of the pre-Monetarist economic system to a greater or lesser extent.


I argued that the Credit Crunch was not a ‘natural’ crisis in the sense that it arose out of production and trade processes like previous crises in the last century. I described how the Credit Crunch was instead the consequence of the solution implemented to combat inflation and stagnation of the 1970’s. The Credit Crunch was the product of past medicine not contemporary illness.


Monetarism was created to cure the problem of inflation, specifically wage inflation, for once and for all. Effectively, it removed the possibility of workers being able to directly influence the economy through collective wage demands. From now on workers as a group would have to accept whatever was offered by the economy instead of visa versa.


This was achieved by a combination of suppressing trades unions, dismantling of work place legal rights and the introduction of truly large scale mass immigration. These had the effect of permanently altering the supply of labour available.


In tandem with supply side reforms to the labour market Monetarism advocated a move towards a mass credit economy and most crucially the introduction of democratised money through financialisation. This combination of measures in total produced a low-wage, low discretionary spend and low growth economy in the aftermath of the Credit Crunch.


To reiterate the point: In the sense that Monetarism was a planned attack on the post war political and economic settlement, the Credit Crunch that followed from it was entirely voluntary and entirely avoidable.


But if pundits are to be believed all this is to be overturned- or at least corrected to some extent in a kind of counter reformation to Monetarism. We are told that under Donald Trump America, (and Britain under the Brexit regime), will return to the old style ‘great again’ economy .


Inflation will arise from the dead and interest rates will lift in response. We are told that as part of this cycle of cause/effect, real wages will also begin seriously  rising after decades of stagnation.


I understand now that my initial analysis of the Credit Crunch was incorrect in that it did not take into account the significance of derivatives and the permanent effect they would have on the global economy. It was only after I began to write about the central bank response to the credit crunch in the form of  Quantitive Easing that I realised that derivatives were entirely novel in the effect they would have on structures within developed economies.


Derivatives are a new privately issued form of money. As such, they have colonised sections of global economic activity. As a consequence of this colonisation derivatives  permanently distort the total global economy to the extent that they are allowed to operate within it.


The mistake I initially made was not to realise that even if the old world was to some extent allowed to be re-introduced into the new world, it would not be on the same terms as previously. History is one way street. This brings us to the central theme of this piece which is the new shrunken environment into which Donald Trump will birth his new great America.


You will probably have heard  of ‘shrinkflation’ in which the packaging of a commodity remains more or less the same but the actual product within the package shrinks. For example look inside a bag of potato crisps and you find it will now be less than a third full- the bag is mostly air. A bar of Toblerone chocolate has famously shrunk to the size of the foothills of Wales instead of the mighty Alps it was supposed to represent.


In terms of commodities, the sound of the future seems to be a ‘capitalist rattle’ where shrunken products jiggle around in their oversized packaging. Something similar has happened in the world of politics producing ‘wiggle room’.


Wiggle room is the phenomena whereby it becomes increasingly difficult to attribute any given outcome to any particular cause. (See what I have written on the ‘Secret Economy’)


I have referred to sawing the lady in half on more than one occasion as a metaphor for the new politics and economics.The key to this trick is understanding that there is a lot more room in the box the lady goes into  than you might suppose. The wiggling fingers and the wiggling toes that you can see do not actually belong to the same person inside the box but instead to 2 separate people.


Something a lot like the sawn lady has recently been happening in the world of Anglo-Saxon politics and goes directly to the question of the nature of the new political movement that has given rise to both Brexit and the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States of America.


I have characterised this movement as Anglo Saxon nationalism as distinct from   those on the liberal left who regard it as a form of white nationalism with its concomitant implications of racism.


The standard Trumpist retort to accusations of racism has been to argue that the same public that elected Donald Trump is the same public that elected Barack Obama on two occasions previously. If these people were prepared to let Obama rule they can hardly be regarded as being racist –can they?


But this overlooks the fact that there is a large amount of ‘wiggle room’ within the American electorate. Only half the potential voters in America actually bother to turn out for elections generally and of that half, only half again actually voted for Donald Trump. Which means Trump was actually selected by a quarter of the electorate.


Following from this it is entirely possible that both Trump and Obama were actually elected by two more or less entirely separate and different constituencies that have enough spare room within the electorate to hardly overlap at all.


In other words it is entirely possible that the vast majority of those who voted for Trump would never in any circumstances vote for Obama or any other black man.  They are in large part an entirely different constituency from the liberals. If you look at the sawn lady’s wiggling fingers and then at her wiggling toes you might start to notice that they are a slightly different colour…


The same is equally true in the case of Brexit. Only around a quarter of the available population actually voted to leave the European Union. So the idea that the leave voters represent a disillusioned previously semi liberal strand of mainstream British society is at least questionable.


This ‘bagginess’, this loose fitting wiggle room system, is one that tends to lend itself to the performance of conjuring acts such as sawing the lady in half. Given that this is the case, it seems hardly remarkable, in fact entirely predictable, that such a system would attract a showman like Donald Trump.


I have described the electoral space that allows Trump and Brexit to rise to prominence. But underlying this there is an economic hollowing out that provides the basis of these political phenomena.


The creation of privately issued democratised money in the form of derivatives effectively gives us an economic version of two magician’s assistants within the same box. The wiggling toes and fingers that you see do not belong to the same body. That is why inflation and deflation, labour participation rates and unemployment, equity and bond prices all seem to be sending conflicting signals that we know simply can’t be possible in the real world.


If money can be described as an information signalling system then two forms of money privately issued and government issued, existing side-by-side and sending out coterminous signals can only result in increasing confusion.


Inflation signals or deflation signals, or growth signals or shrinkage signals are being sent out by either privately issued derivatives economy or the government issued general money economy. It is virtually impossible to say which is which. But the point is that this is not one information system but two systems existing side by side.


I have previously argued that the endpoint of this phase of democratised money will result in roughly half the worlds economy being colonised by derivatives. This is not a general guess, a number of pundits have previously indicated that the long term average interest is expected (required), to be 2 1/2 to 3 % .In consequence, Donald Trump’s claim to make America Great again can only really mean making half of America great again or America half great again.


In a world where half the economy is colonised by democratised money derivatives interest rates can only rise to half their potential maximum. By the same token real inflation can only rise to half its potential maximum. The state sponsored economy can only grow at half its potential rate at maximum. In other words, every and all  aspect of the system can only operate and exist at half the previous level if there is only half the economy  to operate within.


So when I say that resolution of the credit crunch crisis is dependent upon how much of the old world the elite is prepared to allow to re-emerge, from the perspective of democratised money, the maximum amount that can be allowed to emerge is 50%, if that is indeed the level at which derivatives will be allowed to colonise the world economy.


From this perspective it is possible to make some  specific predictions as to the numbers behind Trump’s make America great again strategy.


The long-term average underlying interest rate in the developed economies is around 5%. I have for a long time predicted that the long-term normative interest rate post credit crunch will be 2 1/2 to 3%.


From what I have said it  should also follow that the long-term average normative inflation rate will settle at around 1 1/2– 2 % and that the growth in GDP rate and  growth in employment rate should also settle at around half their historical real average in the post Credit Crunch world.


But they won’t of course, for the very straightforward reason that they are made up figures…


However there are a number of real life indicators that we can say will be restricted to half their previous level of growth under the half and half economy.


Growth in  life expectancy will be cut to half its post war average rate in the developed world.


Growth in home ownership will also be cut to half.


The average fall in the rate of poverty will also fall to half its previous post war average.


So now we know that Donald Trump is going to end up being round about half as frightening as the liberals thought he was going to be..


Extra Information

Theresa May is set to announce revolutionary social reform policies – this could be the moment she silences her critics

She insists that the state has a significant role to play in alleviating the everyday injustices faced by people who do not qualify for benefits. Announcing shiny new policies is the temptingly easy part of governing. Much more difficult is delivering the same

Five Questions And Five Answers.


Question 1: What Just Happened?


Cultural constituencies exploded onto the political scene is what just happened.


I have described cultural constituencies as sub national cultural/moral formations produced by the end of the market economy. I foresaw that as the planned Free Marxet economy became ever more dominant, cultural constituencies would in turn dominate the political sphere-a process that is most advanced in the Saxon Axis. This has proved to be the case in both the Brexit vote and the election of Donald Trump as President of the USA.


Now the argument has increasingly become about how these two events are linked. And if they are in turn somehow also linked to other anti-Globalisation/pro-nationalist movements in France and Italy etc. The outcome of this debate will determine how politics is conducted and understood for years to come.


As a matter of note I foresaw the appearance and rise of transnational cultural parties such as the Sax Pistols/Saxon Nationalists in a post that appeared in ‘Crackernomics’ four years ago. I even managed to predict when these organisations would appear on the political stage with an accuracy of about six months!


Now we hear that Donald Trump openly ‘suggested’ to the British government that Nigel Farrage should be appointed as British ambassador to the USA.  An amazingly blatant example of Saxon nationalists on both sides of the Atlantic openly building diplomatic relations between two parts of the Sax Pistols international party within the Saxon Axis!


While I have been busy describing cultural constituencies, parts of the so-called liberal left are desperately trying to reconstruct the argument that the emergence of what they refer to as ‘white nationalism’ is the product of the economically ‘left behind’. This is not too hard to understand as a response by the besieged ‘left’. Without the economic argument you can’t have classes and without classes you can’t have the left. So this is a ‘do or die’ ideological battle.


At the same time the liberal right are going all out to cast their approach as economic nationalism -as opposed to the ‘white’ kind of course. They understand that they have a tiger by the tail in the form of the ‘alt right’ and other disaffected elements. If they were to allow a race narrative to become established on either or both sides, it would dog the entire Trump presidency. It has become ever more clear that Trump only intends to use the Sax Pistols as a stage army if he can and now the Republican establishment wants to do the same.


But both Saxon progressives and neo cons reserve their special venom for any arguments that challenge their narrative on the root cause of what has happened. They refer to this alternative understanding disparagingly as ‘identity politics’ or ‘cultural Marxism’. Why is it so important to attack identity politics on both sides of the Saxon left and right?


Because if a punter within the Saxon Axis can decide about his or her own identity he or she might decide wrong. Might decide that he or she is not a ‘worker’ or a ‘capitalist’ or a ‘loyal American’. And we can’t have that, can we? And if you start thinking about your own identity you also might start thinking about German identities and we DEFINITELY can’t have that.


Is That Even A Thing?

So it seems that we have lots of different kinds of nationalism floating about. We have Anglo Saxon nationalism and we have white nationalism and we have economic nationalism.


Can there be such a thing as ‘white nationalism’?


No, because the Germanic nation state subsumes concepts such as ‘whiteness’ and  ‘blackness’. That is the whole point of the Germanic nation state- to subsume ethnic cultural identity underneath an economic identity.


But the concept of White Nationalism points towards a fundamental dynamic within Whiteism. The instability arises from whether ‘Whiteness’ is part of ‘Germanness’ or ‘Germanness’ is part of ‘Whiteness’. The desire to impose Germanic whiteness on all whites is fundamental to understanding the Germanic cult of Capitalism and the Germanic cult of Socialism.


So can there be such a as economic nationalism? Well yes, but only if you can figure out which is most beneficial: Nation subordinated to economy or economy subordinated to nation. No-one has managed to produce a consistent and stable relationship between the two for over two hundred years.


So can there be such a thing as Anglo Saxon nationalism? – after all Anglo Saxon is a sub national grouping as well isn’t it? I’ll get on to this in a moment.



Question 2: What Is Going To Happen Next?


After the election the Democrats/Strangeloves have lost access to all the main bases of political power in the American system. They have lost the Senate, they have lost the House and they have obviously lost the Presidency. And this is not the full extent of the rout.


Forthcoming appointments to the Supreme Court and an ongoing round of elections over the next couple of years will most likely the result in the further decimation of a divided and confused Democratic party. So what will the Democrats do in these difficult circumstances?


The main priority will be to attempt to exacerbate differences within the mainstream Republican/Saxon Nationalist alliance that has formed. And there are clear differences between the priorities of the corporate Republican establishment and Saxon nationalist cultural constituencies.(see above).




Already Trump rhetoric on New deal government spending, immigration controls etc are coming under a certain amount of pressure. This can only intensify over the coming months. The Democrats hope is that this will result in a wave of disillusion that will isolate Trump and make his political agenda ever more difficult to enact. So you can guarantee that the liberal media will play up these divisions every chance it gets. In particular it will focus on Trump the person because Trump does not represent an ideology, he is like all politicians now, Culturally Specific.


Now We Can Clearly See That Culture Wars Are Media Wars


The only power base that the Strangeloves have left intact is in the mainstream media. So this is where they will base their attack from. At the same time Trump has his base in the alt media. So it is already pretty clear that this will be a battle of media forms.


In July of 2015 I predicted this outcome exactly and explained how control of the media was fundamental to the new political system based on cultural constituencies (‘Money Where Mouth Is’). In passing, note that Virgin mogul Dickie Branson has said he will bankroll a second Brexit referendum to overturn the result. Cue calls for a boycott of all Virgin product by Brexiteers. This is the face of politics in the future.


As it becomes evidently more difficult to undertake the kind of economic reform that Trump has promised, he will be forced to try to find ways to rally the troops. In order to do this he will be looking for a major cultural constituency issue that can coral his own constituency and clearly mark out the opposition. And this is where the significance of the designation ‘Strangelove’ as a cultural constituency is brought into the most intensely sharp focus. Because The Strangeloves are identified as a cultural constituency most significantly by their medicalisation of sexuality. This is a key concept in the coming years..


Since the end of the Second Germanic War, the Strangeloves have propagated the concept of social and sexual ‘freedom’ through the application of scientific management techniques. In particular this has included the popularization of abortion and mass contraception. There have been further developments in this field including state sponsored sexual organ mutilation designated as ‘ gender reassignment’.


Already we have seen that Trump says he intends to attack Roe v Wade -the defining legal case that established the limits of abortion access in America. But the same time Trump has made it clear that he does not intend to overturn same sex marriage. How can this apparent contradiction be explained?


Because abortion is characteristic of the medicalisation of sexuality but same-sex marriage is not. Abortion is indicative of the Strangelove medicalisation of sexuality in a way that same sex ‘marriage’ is not’. If Trump supporters start to get restive expect an attack on ‘gender reassignment’ as well as the already signaled attacks on abortion and contraception. These will be high profile media attacks.


Question 3:What Will The World Do?


It is clear that of all the global settlement in the aftermath of the second Germanic war it is Europe that will be most challenged by events that we have seen on folding over the past months.


Across the nations of Europe there is a question of whether nationalist parties will be able to take advantage of a seeming upturn in nationalist sentiment. Obama visited Angela Merkel to pass on the torch of multi culti democracy as one of the last acts of his presidency. Angela Merkel has confirmed that she will run for the Chancellor ship of Germany for a fourth time.


This will equal the longest run in government in modern history of Germany.  But it seems that Merkels reluctance to leave go of the reins of power is not motivated by any genuine desire to implement a programme but rather by a fear of what will come after if she doesn’t.


On the other hand for the moment at least, the world seems to be reacting to the election of Trump and Brext with a kind of guarded optimism. This might seem counter intuitive on the face of it, but it is entirely logical given the historical precedent.


Essentially, the understanding is that if the European Germans and the Saxon Germans are fighting each other, they are likely in the near future to leave everyone else in peace. In the long run however, they are likely to try to drag everyone else into it. The most aware of world leaders are aware of this fact and planning accordingly.


Question 4 : So What Does It All Mean Andy?


The key to understanding this phase of politics is the meaning of Nationalism and nationalist sentiment in the context of cultural constituencies. Most importantly of all, Cultural constituencies are sub national political formations, which means they cannot be characterised as nationalist in any meaningful way.


For example, the French nationalism of Marine Le Pen is actually a French cultural constituency. It is a sub national cultural grouping that seeks to promote a conception of a particular ethnic cultural group. It cannot assume the mantle of a French nation. Because the French nation is by definition made up of more than one ethnic group. That is what a nation is. that is what defines it in difference to an ethnic group.


We can now return to the question of Anglo Saxon nationalism. If the French ‘nationalism’ of the Front Nationale cannot exist, can the Saxon Nationalism of UKIP take power?. The answer is no. UKIP by definition cannot run Britain. The rise of the SNP is straightforward testament to this fact. As UKIP rises, other cultural constituencies will appear to confront it within any given designated geographical area.


So can the Saxon Nationalism behind Trumpism take power in the USA?


And the answer this time is YES.Because the USA- from Constitution to Bill Of Rights is an Anglo Saxon cultural construction. And Anglo Saxon nationalism can exist because the Anglo-Saxon national state does already exist. It is called America. Now the question is’ Will a non Germanic cultural constituency arise in America to challenge the Saxon nationalists. The answer must be yes. And it will provoke a venomous hatred from both Saxon left and right that you have not seen before.


It is possible to envisage a Periodic table of nationalism and culture. Where any given nation lies on the table in relation to the Germanic nation state will predict its degree of reactivity and instability in relation to cultural constituencies and the nation state.


I have described cultural constituencies as sub national cultural/moral formations produced by the end of the market economy. I foresaw that as the planned Free Marxet economy became ever more dominant, cultural constituencies would in turn dominate the political sphere


Right back at the beginning of the United States of Everywhere, over half a decade ago, I specifically said that the nature of the financial crisis and its resolution would depend upon one thing more than any other:


How much of the old world where the monetarists prepared to allow to return. That statement can be seen to be ever more true today than it was when it was written.


But the implications of what I had written then were not clear to me. I implied that in theory it would be possible to return to the pre-Monetarist state of affairs if everything were put back in place. But this is not the case. I have had to learn again the simple lesson that History is a one way street.


Cultural constituencies are created by the collapse of the market system. But as they come to exercise increasing influence over politics and economics they preclude the possibility of returning to that market system.


The ongoing mainstream economic debate is concerned with the effect of globalisation on those who are left behind – specifically the so-called ‘white working class’ in developed economies. It is widely argued on both left and right that this section of society has suffered more than any other the effects of globalisation, the credit crunch, and resulting austerity.


From this starting point the debate moves on to what concessions can be made to the white working class. How much of the pre-Monetarist world, the postwar settlement, can and should be allowed to return to developed economies.


On both the Trumpist style right and the Sanders style liberal left, there is a desire to see the world return to the 1950s with benevolent state intervention in the markets, a strong and comprehensive welfare state, the end of multiculturalism. But the question is: is this desirable and can it be achieved?


We return again to the central problem. The postwar settlement was founded on two primary considerations: One was concessions to the working class. The second was the rehabilitation of Germanic culture internationally through internationalism and multiculturalism. It had initially seemed that internationalism and multiculturalism had won the day. But that was before the ‘white working class backlash’.


Question 5: What Should I Do?


International media parties.


The political landscape will increasingly be dominated by international media parties. As the political party is to the economic constituency so the international media parties will be to the cultural constituency. Culture Wars Are Media Wars


Comments are closed


Because the international media parties is the battleground it follows that the comments section is the trenches. This is where territory is won and lost.

You will have noticed how the comments sections in more publications are being controlled or shut down altogether. There is no percentage in comments for the big mainstream media organisations. They want quality of readers who will spend money over quantity of readers who don’t. (see Money Where Mouth Is)


Invest Becomes Subscribe


Investment is a rational (or otherwise) decision to assign resources to one of a range of options. The investor is in the dominant position. Subscription as the name implies is placing oneself under the imprimatur of another. Placing oneself rather than any particular money or thing under another authority,


The bail in is a classic example of this. The bank is free to change the nature of the depositors relationship with the bank. A deposit is turned into a share if it suits the bank to do so and there is nothing the depositor can do about it.


The age of the investor is over.

The age of the subscriber is here.

The age of the browser is over.

The age of the speculator is over.

The age of the spectator is over.

The age of the public square is over.

The age of the chit chat is over.

The age of the money back guarantee is over.


If you have somewhere to be, you should think about being there as soon as possible.


And follow the United States of Everywhere. If you are one step behind me, you are two steps ahead of everybody else.










Profile: The Strangeloves Or Down And Out In London And Paris



I have been writing about the Sax Pistols and the Strangeloves; the two main competing Cultural Constituencies that dominate politics in the Saxon Axis. Last time I explained how the Sax Pistols were born out of the crisis of the 70’s and developed the radical outsider capitalist ideology that leads directly to Trumpism.


It seems that events have overtaken analysis. In the aftermath of the American Presidential election the Sax Pistols have seized the palace and the Strangeloves have fled to the alleys and the backstreets.


This profile has turned into something of an obituary even while being written. But it might not be wise to kiss off the Stangeloves just yet. Despite many crises in the years since the end of the Second World War they have proven to be both resilient and resourceful and it is doubtful that they are going to let 70 years of effort and planning go without a fight.


The Strangeloves came into existence as a social force on the NW Eurasian continent around 1946, virtually 30 years exactly before the Sax Pistols appeared in the Anglo Saxon world.


To be clear, the Strangeloves could not be regarded as a cultural constituency then, because the shreds of capitalist economics still hung on- albeit in a distorted form. The Strangeloves were the product of military and political dislocation just as the Sax Pistols were the product of economic dislocation three decades later. So both these groupings represent the mutation and change of capitalism -a  process of transformation from a nominally political and economic system into an expressly cultural one.


The role of the state in organising and controlling the markets exploded in the years after the Second Germanic War. This is hardly surprising since the state effectively usurped the market and created a full command economy during the conflict. The Strangeloves emerged during this process both as beneficiaries of the state run system and as an elite who saw its purpose to expand the system both to guarantee the survival of Germanic societies and for the benefit of the world in general.


This international element is essential to understanding the central role that immigration plays in Strangelove ideology. It is the repudiation of a German identity that identified both sides in the two Germanic Wars of the C20th. And in contrast, it is the repudiation of Strangelove internationalism, globalism and multi-culturalism that defines the Sax Pistols.


The Strangeloves get their peculiar historical cultural character as Germanic survivors of the C20th wars. Just like the Peter Sellars character they are of dubious morality and character but necessary to the system because of their ‘scientific’ knowledge and planning ability. Their defects can be overlooked in the cause of rebuilding Germanic society.


Both the Strangeloves and the remnants of the ancien regime displaced by war did not foresee was the extent of the success of the planned economy. In the two decades after the Second World War there was a massive redistribution of wealth throughout North Western Eurasia that led to not only to the rebuilding of post war national (sort of), economies but their development and expansion at a level unguessed at.


For example, the efficiencies generated by nationally insured collective health meant that there was a surplus of personal wealth to be spent by ordinary people on discretionary products. This process in health and other fields was the beginning of the so-called consumer society.


Ironically, though often regarded as the golden age of the ‘American dream’, American 50’s consumerism is based not on the free market but on it’s denouement- state control of markets. Just as in NW Eurasia, the North Americans succumbed to a state maintained semi cultural model.


The welfare state was a concession to indigenous Germanic populations and just as importantly, to the international community. This was  driven as much by a political cultural imperative as by an economic one. The reason for this is not hard to understand.


The elite of the western world had been discredited by their conduct in the first and second Germanic Wars, both through their incompetence and collaboration with fascistic regimes. So creating an effigy of the market system was always going to be primarily a cultural and political project. It follows that the Strangeloves who administered this system would have to be at least partially, a cultural grouping. Without this insight you cannot understand Keynesianism.


Keynesianism is culture and politics dressed up as economics.


The ubiquity and hegemony of welfare planning went unchallenged until the ‘crisis’ of the 1970s that gave rise to the Sax Pistols. But it is of the utmost importance to emphasise that this was NOT a general crisis but a crisis of the lower middle class and not primarily an economic crisis but in essence a political one.


The precise nature of the crisis was that lower middle class Anglo Saxons were losing their relatively privileged place in society compared to the classes below them. (see previous post on Sax Pistols.).


When the Sax Pistols had split from the consensus, the way was open for an alliance between the liberal elite of society, the very lowest levels of that self same society (including migrants refugees etc) and the Strangeloves. In other words we effectively had the new Saxon middle against both the top and the bottom or the centre against the edges.


And it was at this moment that the Strangeloves mutated fully from a economic cultural entity into a fully  cultural one- a Cultural Constituency


You can think of the Sax Pistols as a congealed lump of resentment like a bowling ball falling through the middle of society and the Strangeloves as being like a thousand layers of wet tissue paper surrounding it. The tissue paper can slow the bowling ball down, but can’t stop it. In the end it is going to break free.


Of course this image of the bowling ball and the toilet paper explains the reality of Brexit- England physically leaving the EU.


So what now of the Strangeloves?


I can’t help feeling they are a little like the Romans who were left behind when the Roman Empire fell- sort of here but not here as it were.


The EU is already thinking of offering them a kind of associate membership…..

Profile: The Sax Pistols




The forthcoming American Presidential election and Brexit are both evidence of profound changes in the politics of the western world. The precise nature of these changes is increasingly the subject of commentary in the press and media.

The Huffington Post has suggested that Donald Trump supporters are best described as ‘white nationalists’. Others on the left have suggested that they are more accurately described as the economic victims of globalisation; the ‘left behind’.

On the other hand the social political grouping that has coalesced around the candidacy of Hillary Clinton and the Remain camp have been described as a liberal dictatorship and ‘Globalists’ by their opponents

It is obvious that highly partisan name calling offers no possibility of any real insight. It is necessary to describe the development of these rival blocs within the context of the past decades and the forces that have shaped them.

Note here that Michael Moore has exhibited a rare insight in expressly linking the white Anglo-Saxon residents of ‘fly over’ middle America with the Brexiteers of Middle England. Unfortunately, virtually no one else has had the breath of vision to try to understand the link between these two social phenomena.

I developed the idea of cultural constituencies as the product of the economic and social processes that have shaped developed economies since the 1970s. Cultural constituencies differ from, and are the successor to, the economic constituencies that are the basic building blocks of capitalist society for over one and a half centuries.

There are no longer any real ‘classes’ in the Anglo Saxon world. Instead I argue that there are now two dominant cultural constituencies which I call:

The Sax Pistols and

The Strangeloves

I will begin with an in-depth profile of The Sax Pistols

The Sax Pistols began to coalesce as a cultural constituency in the mid to late 1970s as a consequence of profound economic political and social shock that ran through the developed economies and especially the Anglo Saxon world from around 1968 onwards.

The Sax Pistols gained traction in a section of the discontented lower middle class who saw the establishment as having betrayed their interests in the ongoing economic crisis. This betrayal delegitimised the establishment in the eyes of The Sax Pistols.

The Sax Pistols saw themselves as being under attack not just from the corporate elites above but also from the poor beneath who were receiving social benefits in the post war settlement that The Sax Pistols were not entitled to but were forced to pay for through taxation.

What is truly significant here is that The Sax Pistols chose to blame the section of the middle class that was immediately above them for this state of affairs. The importance of this is that politics was transformed as a conflict between economic classes into a political and cultural conflict within what had previously been the middle class. 150 years of traditional classic class based economic conflict was over, to be replaced by interclass cultural conflict. It had to be a cultural struggle because there was no definable economic reason for an economic one since it was between members of what was nominally the same class.

The Anglo-Saxon middle class split into two opposing factions. The first was a state oriented welfare bureaucracy that existed to distribute welfare under the terms of the postwar settlement. This was the upper section of the middle class that enjoyed the support of the liberal establishment and a relatively secure existence as part of the state machine. The Strangeloves.

The second was the disenfranchised lower middle class that had no access to the welfare as producers and administrators and which as a consequence was forced to develop a radical reliance on the free market to sustain itself. These were the Sax Pistols.

I will deal with the state bureaucracy grouping (The Strangeloves), next time but for now I will focus on the radical capitalist section which forms the nucleus of The Sax Pistols cultural constituencies.

In intellectual terms that economic recession in the 70s gave birth to Monetarism and reconstructed radical cultural capitalism. These are broadly the component parts of Neo Conservatism and Neo Liberalism.

The fundamental political purpose of Monetarism centres on the destruction of the state as the controlling influence on the economy. Radical cultural capitalism centres on small scale capitalist production as a cultural enterprise as opposed to an economic one.

The majority of the small businesses that were created in the aftermath of the 1970s economic collapse and up to the present day have no economic rationale. They are not large enough or efficient enough to produce a surplus of wealth on a level that is commensurate with the amount of time and effort that goes into creating them.

The only reason they exist is as a cultural totem of capitalist production. They are primarily there to give an identity and a sense of purpose to the people who operate them.

This gives rise to the conception of the radical small-scale capitalist as an icon. Two classic examples of this form are Malcolm McLaren and Vivian Westwood’s ‘Sex’ shop that gave rise to the Sex Pistols and Richard Branson’s ‘Virgin’ corporate empire.

Notes the references to sex and sexuality in both Branson’s ‘Virgin’ corporation and McLaren’s ‘Sex’ shop. This is not a concept of sex that is in any way healthy or wholesome. The imagery is of a form of violent, perverted sex better understood as capitalist screwing. This is not co-incidental. As the Sax Pistols turned on the Establishment they also turned on whatever remaining vestiges of traditional Anglican morality they had and embraced full on Puritan anti human Germanic Protestantism.

Both ‘Sex’ and ‘Virgin’ began as small-scale radical insurgent hip capitalist enterprises. Of course since the 1970s they have been assimilated into the mainstream of capitalist culture economy to the extent that they are now corporate entities every bit as much as Tesco or McDonalds. The difference is they still retain some vestige of radical chic.(Hard to believe now, but in the aftermath of the Berlin Wall McDonalds had some of that radical capitalist vibe!).

Once Saxon society created the idea of the radical outsider cultural capitalist it is not hard to see how this lead directly to Donald Trump and the present presidential election.

The final significant twist in the development of the Sax Pistols came when it’s cultural ideology was adopted by a significant section of what had previously been known as the Anglo Saxon working class. This really was the final nail in the coffin of class politics as we had known it.

The section of the middle class that had been forced downwards by 1970’s recession found themselves in a position to make common cause with a section of the working class who found themselves in a parallel position for some of the same reasons.

‘Workers’ who had been made redundant from secure manufacturing and corporate jobs were also forced to adopt to a more freewheeling ‘wild west’ form of capitalism. The radical privatisation programs brought about through Monetarism offered this section of the ‘working class’ the chance to benefit it ways not previously open to them, so in some ways they experienced upheaval as a positive thing.

A section of the disenfranchised middle class together with a cohort of the working class form the backbone of the Sax Pistols cultural constituency in the Anglo Saxon world. It is these people who will be at the forefront of voting for Trump on Tuesday.

Never Mind The Ballots….



Everybody more or less knows that the old left/right paradigm is gone now, never to return. But there is no mainstream consensus as to what has replaced it.

To address this issue I have been describing the emergence of Cultural Constituencies; societal blocs that are consequential to the breakdown of  ideology that underpins the Germanic Cult of Capitalism.


Within Saxon populations (the ‘Five Eyes’) I have now identified and named  two main Cultural Constituencies that form opposing poles in the New Duopoly. They are the ‘Sax Pistols’ and the ‘Strangeloves’.


I will write more about both of these groupings and their motivations in detail at a later date, but for now I will compare some of the differences I have observed in the context of the American Presidential elections and the Brexit debate:



The Sax Pistols The Strangeloves
Came out of the 1976 crisis of Capitalism Came out of the 1945 crisis of capitalism
Economics: Friedman/ Volker Economics: Keynes
Love pistols and other weapons (‘Sekint Amindmint’) Hate pistols and guns but like bombing foreigners who disagree with gay rights etc
Protestant cult Protestant cult
Catholic hatred because Pope is a One World Government lizard Archon etc Catholic hatred because of no gay marriage between priests etc
Isolationist ‘Gimperialist’ (see gay rights above)
Pro Putin becase he is white and they don’t really understand Orthodoxy Virulent hatred of Putin (see above)
Anti immigration Pro immigration
No such thing as racism although ‘everybody is racist’ when it comes to talking about blacks so as not to concede a point…. Everybody is racist whether they know it or not
Welfare is for whites (Nixon/ Reagan etc) Welfare is for hard working immigrants and not white trash who spend it on cigarettes and Oxycontin etc
We won the war single handedly I would just like to take this opportunity to apologise once again,,, etc
Constitution European Court of Human Rights/UN etc Anyway the constitution was written by white racists
America  Europe
Free markets when it suits us Treaties
Forward to the past Back to the future
Johnson is the wannabee Farrage is the reality Blair
Trump Clinton


The Frailed State Or When Is A Duopoly Not A Duopoly? Or Guess Who Is Coming To Dinar..



It has recently been reported in the news that both sides in the ongoing Libyan civil war have begun to issue their own respective currencies. It would seem that two conflicting sides both enforcing their own form of government and issuing their own respective forms of money is Duopoly writ large.


In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. The emergence of two separate entities is the end of duopoly.


There is a lot of confusion about the nature of duopoly. I notice that although it is a phrase that is used a lot more since I first began referring to it five years ago, most people still do not understand the idea underpinning duopoly.


The often used bog standard definition of duopoly characterises it essentially as a two party political system. A classic example of this is America which has only ever had two parties with a realistic chance of forming an administration or electing a president. These are the Republicans and the Democrats.


But recent events in America have thrown this conception of the two party duopoly in America into doubt. On the Republican side Donald Trump, together with his new model army of disenfranchised American Dreamers, has undertaken what has been referred to as a ‘hostile takeover’ of the Republican party. On the other side Bernie Sanders is continuing to make the nomination of Hillary Clinton as the official opposition candidate difficult.


Commentators describe the situation as the breakdown of the old-fashioned American duopoly. They have suggested that the Republican Party will inevitably split as a consequence of the nomination of Trump.


Some have also suggested that supporters of Bernie Sanders will not be satisfied with a Hillary Clinton nomination. There is increasing pressure on Bernie Sanders to run as a third party independent candidate in the event that he does not receive the nomination.


Can we infer from all this that the traditional system is breaking down under the pressures of globalisation etc. ? Despite all the hopeful insurgent punditry the fact is that this does not represent any significant change to the duopoly.


The significance of duopoly does not rest on the fact that there are only two alternative parties on offer. In many nations states in Europe there are a plethora of political parties competing for office. Traditionally in these countries government administrations are made up of an amalgam of many of these different parties. Yet these multi party systems are still essentially duopoly on the Anglo Saxon model. And they should be, many of them were expressly created by America in the aftermath of   WW II.


Duopoly in post war Europe is crystallised in the proportional representation system which was expressly designed to prevent the dominance of any single political party and in particular, to prevent the possibility that at a communist party might rise to political prominence through the electoral process.


After the Second Germanic War most mainstream European political structures were discredited by the failure to fight Nazism or even active collaboration. This contrasted starkly with the success of the Soviet Union and the terrible price paid for victory but which enhanced the reputation of the Soviets across the globe.


This, together with the fact that the Anglo Saxon nations were struggling to rehabilitate these same European nations in the aftermath of defeat, meant that nothing was off the table in what became in effect a battle against the idea of victory against fascism. This included subversion and terrorism- famously in the affair of the P2 Masonic lodge and Operation Gladio.


At home in the Anglo Saxon victor nations, there was no necessity to create a system to prevent communists or even socialists from coming to pre-eminence since they were firmly excluded from the political process. And hadn’t the Anglo Saxons fought against Nazism (sort of?). There was no need to create a multi party proportional system.


Interestingly, that has changed now. A proportional electoral college was created by the AS Labour Party with the openly stated objective of preventing the Scottish Nationalist Party gaining an absolute electoral majority in Scotland. Of course, as we know it did not work. But it points us to the key duopoly dynamic here. That the multi party system is a means of preventing an outcome you don’t want by controlling what is on offer.


In post war Europe what was not wanted was communism, and the controlled offer was duopoly. Just the same, in Scotland what was not wanted was independence and the controlled offer was again, duopoly.


The recent Presidential elections in Austria are a further excellent illustration of the point.. Austria, like most other European countries has a proportional system that traditionally encourages many political parties. Within this framework, the Social Democrats have been traditionally dominant, forming part of the majority of administrations since WW II.


But in this election, both traditional parties of the ‘right’ and ‘left’, the People’s party and the Social Democrats failed to gain enough support to make it through into the second round of voting.


The reason for this was the rise of the so-called ‘hard right’ Austrian Freedom party whose anti immigration, anti-Muslim stance is often described in mainstream media as a polarising force in Austrian politics.


The left opposition to the Freedom Party coalesced around a Green ‘independent’ politician. As the final tally was revealed Austrian politics was split more or less neatly down the middle with the left gaining a majority of only 31,000 votes.


Given the potential significance of the election of a ‘hard right’ politician in Austria for the first time since the end of the Second World War, it seems a little odd that there has been so little further discussion of the election after the narrowest of victories for the left.


The general consensus in the liberal press seems to have been that they have managed to dodge a bullet and as a consequence nothing more needs to be said. I suspect that underpinning this reticence is also a desire to let sleeping dogs lie; liberals hope that the Freedom party will give up and go away.


But just because the hard right did not win this specific election does not mean that they are likely to go away any time soon. And this presents a very difficult problem for their opposition.


What has happened in Austria is that politics has cohered around a new fulcrum point. Whereas before, broadly speaking economic issues were the defining factor in politics, now immigration has become the pivot point of contention and definition.


The right wing have formed a coalition to achieve a very specific objective, which is to end the present immigration policy and prevent father inroads into Austrian society Muslims.. And the left-wing opposition has also formed a coalition to achieve a specific object which is to prevent the right wing from achieving their objectives!


But that leaves the left caught in a difficult trap of their own making. They have accepted that immigration is the central fulcrum of Austrian politics and this new right wing is not likely to change its opinion or its objectives is it? Unless something can be done to disassemble this new right wing coalition, Austrian politics will be fighting this immigration battle for the foreseeable future.


What can be done to disassemble the right wing coalition? The only possible answer for the left is to end the immigration that has caused all that fuss in the first place and that is hardly likely.


So Austrian politics is becoming locked into a zombie state that is a political corollary to the economic zombie condition that many developed nations also find themselves in. This is not coincidence, This new situation is a composite of the politics of cultural constituencies and the politics of duopoly. We can call this a Frailed State.


A Frailed State is one where economics is no longer the central pivot around which politics is constructed. Instead increasingly immigration and the rights and obligations of minorities is the fulcrum around which politics is organised. The Frailed state is a stopping point on the trajectory leading toward the Failed State.


Across the newly Frailed States, economic political parties and ‘classes’ are increasingly being replaced with cultural constituencies. The number and nature of these cultural constituencies differs from place to place and is necessarily determined by the region and geographic area they occur in.


But just as old style economic constituencies were variations on the theme of who gets what money and where, so new style cultural constituencies are variations on the theme of: Where do you come from and what do you expect as a consequence?


The important point to understand is that it did not matter how many individual economic constituencies there were in old style politics, so long as they all fit somewhere on the economic spectrum. So long as there was a left and right pole in economics, it was a duopoly.


The same applies to cultural constituencies. It does not matter how many individual cultural constituencies there are, so long as they all fit somewhere on the immigration spectrum. So long as there are left and right poles in immigration it is a duopoly.


So now we begin to understand the real significance and power of duopoly. Duopoly is not a two party system, it is an offered spectrum of choice and opinion based around two options which we cannot ignore – Duopoly is when we have to take a position somewhere along the line of a given spectrum.


Only a short time ago it was a spectrum of distribution at one end and private economic power at the other. The conflict that gave rise to the economic spectrum has been resolved now in favour of the Free Marxet- the synthesis of economic ‘left’ and ‘right’ !


Even only a couple of decades ago, it was still the standard belief and rhetoric on the left that economic disparity leads to revolution; that if the economic spectrum between left and right extremes became sufficiently stretched it would snap. This led to the Keynesian reform economics that has shaped the past six decades or so.


But Globalisation and the Free Marxet has led to the end of economics as the pivot and the emergence of culture and identity as the swing point of a new spectrum. I have discussed this before in writing on cultural constituencies.


In the old, class based system it was argued that people were different from each other because they were fighting for resources.

In the new system people are fighting for resources because they argue they are different from each other.


And the consequence of this is that it is possible to have an economic revolution and still have a country at the end of it. But if people increasingly see themselves as different from each other, the fight starts over resources, but it can only end with the nation breaking apart.


Frailed States lead in the end to Failed States.

Face Value or Down The Rabbit hole or Minority Report or Yes We Khan!



A couple of weeks ago the Fed announced that Harriet Tubman, a slaved African ‘black’ woman would replace President Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill.


The arguments for and against this volte face are running more or less as you would expect.


The pro-Tubman side claim that introducing Tubman is more than just substituting one historical personality for another. It represents the inclusion of a whole kind of person that has been omitted from mainstream establishment American history.


On the other hand the ‘anti’s are obviously wary of falling into the trap of outright opposition, so they suggest that slavery and its most significant protagonists should be celebrated and included in some other way. Keep the money for ‘dead presidents’ they conclude.


On the face of it, (pun intended), it seems peculiar that Germanic capitalism- a form of society that lays claim to the inheritance of the Enlightenment and Reason, should be putting anyone’s face on money. Surely this is uncomfortably close to the sort of feudalistic impulse that Capitalism claims to have superseded.


The truth is that the ‘primitive’ roots of having the face of king or emperor on a coin legitimises the modern money we have today just as it did in times past. It lays bare Capitalism’s dirty little secret- it is parasitical upon the social forms created by ‘feudalism’ and always has been.


Capitalism cannot generate the social traditions necessary to enlist the loyalty of the ordinary people it claims to represent! It needs ‘feudalism’ to do that. For instance, why do you think soldiers dress up in fancy uniforms?


Why don’t capitalist armies dress up for their parades in business suits?! Surely the suit and tie is the ‘folk costume’ of the capitalist nation and its armies!


But experience has shown that people won’t fight and die for Capitalism and capitalists know this better than anyone. Capitalism needs feudalism to survive.


The face on money controversy proves that the past is alive and well and not just in the matter of money.. Donald Trump has achieved the Republican nomination in all but name. There may be sour grapes and carping but for the moment his enemies in the Republican elite dare not attack him outright.


Trump is a prime example of feudal capitalist king and outstanding expression of the ever increasing importance of cultural constituency in the politics of the west. In Obama and now Trump we are witnessing the end of representative democracy and beginning of Constitutional Embodiment.


As I have explained in previous writing on cultural constituencies, politicians like Trump are Cultural Specifics as opposed to ideological representatives. They are not there to represent an idea held in common. These politicians are not old style REPRESENTATIVES of a political ideology, they are the new style EMBODIMENT of a CULTURAL IDENTITY.


A Cultural Specific does not reflect and represent an idea that his constituency wishes to endorse. A cultural specific reflects the way that the members of his constituency wishes to be seen by the world. A representative represents an idea. An embodiment represents you (or not!)


They have no meaningful political perspective based on economics- that is not what they are there to do. They are there to VALIDATE the identity of their CONSTITUENCY. No-one understands this better than Trump himself.


Showing one of the startling flashes of prescience that have made him so successful despite his limitations, Trump has decided to go after Elizabeth Warren -supposed ‘left wing’ scourge of Wall Street and self described native American who,Trump says, is ‘as native American as I am’. Which means of course, not at all.


It is fundamental to classic Germanic Land Democracy, that national and cultural identities are social commodities, available to anyone born in a particular time and place.


Rachel Dalziel may have taken it to an extreme, but she was only doing what ‘Americans’ feel is their right and due. To dip into ‘black’ ( or other) culture for a ready to wear drip dry identity.


Ms Warren feels able to take her own personal journey down the rabbit hole with her proclamation of Nativeness (is that a word?). Surely a look in the mirror would help her to understand the truth of the matter.


Here Trump shows a clear instinctive understanding of Whiteism. Since it is about identity, unlike economic rationale no compromise is possible. You can’t split the difference- you either are a Native American or you aren’t.


Elizabeth Warrens firestorm Twitter response to Trumps IDAttack tells the whole story. She is clearly fighting for her political life. If Trump wins, politicians like Warren and the people she represents will be in imminent danger of becoming politically extinct.


The key to understanding Trump and his supporters is to realise that they now identify and act as a minority; the VolkAmerika cultural constituency, and are no longer interested in being the majority with no benefits and loads of associated social political and economic costs.


Trump doesn’t see himself as being part of the majority tasked with keeping the edifice standing against the minorities. He no longer sees why his supporters should be willing to make sacrifices to keep the system going. He is as ready to kick at the foundations of modern America as any other minority…


Closer to home the election of Sadiq Khan in London as the first Muslim mayor of a major European city extends the advance of cultural constituencies


Khan ran as ‘the son of a Pakistani bus driver’ against the offspring of a Jewish billionaire Zac Goldsmith and accordingly the papers in this part of the Saxon Axis resound to claims of ‘Anti Semitism!’ and corresponding counter charges of ‘Islamophobia!’


But the game is more nuanced that that. Khan was the Muslim who goes on day trips to his local Synagogue (EuroSlam) and Goldsmith a multi-millionaire who cares ‘passionately’. about the environment. (‘Green’back capitalist a la Richard Branson)


So which would you rather be personally identified with:


‘EuroSlam’ Pakistani or ‘GreenBack’ Jew?


Welcome to the post economic rationale world…


And North of the English border comes the starling news that the Tories who have been rank outsiders for decades have returned to centre stage.

For around half a century the Conservatives, traditionally seen in Scotland as quintessentially English, have been a fringe party in Scottish politics.


They were tarnished with Thatcherism which promoted a form of politics centered on the Saxon heartlands of ‘Middle England’. Most famously Thatcherism is associated with the poll tax whose purpose was to make local taxation entirely regressive and removed from ability to pay.


So how did they come back? Or more importantly, where did they come back?


The answer to this is; all along the East coast, the area of Scotland whose population is by majority Lowland Saxon Germans.


The Scottish Nationalist Party maintained its share of vote among the West Coast population. The sea change is that the Saxon East coast population has abandoned Labour, an English ‘left wing’ party no longer seen as providing adequate cover for their interests. Now they openly vote for Tories as an East coast Saxon opposition to West coast Gaelic SNP!!


I have long argued that ‘left wing’ and ‘right wing’ are redundant in the modern world,(if they ever really meant anything) and especially in the case of the Saxon Axis. There has never been a significant ‘Socialist’ party in any part of the Saxon world and there never will be. This is not an historical co-incidence.


The left/right divide was always only a political tool for the promotion of Germanic political culture, Germanic Land Democracy and the Germanic Cult of capitalism.


Now that it no longers serves any practical purpose for the Germanic population of Scotland, they are abandoning it.


And this is happening all around the world- The Great Unravelling

Whiteism: Get The Picture? Or Exit Pursued By A Bear Or A Sea Of Troubles Or Full On Ultra Primitive Cultural Constituency Or I Yam What I Yam


Although perhaps not widely recognised for such, over the years Leonardo DiCaprio has quietly developed a talent for personifying some of the most significant developments in capitalism through the medium of film.


In ‘Titanic’, DiCaprio takes the role of a romantic Irish artist who, along with so many others of his class and ethnicity ended up dumped in the freezing cold water of the Atlantic Ocean.


Many pundits have used the Titanic disaster as a metaphor for financial catastrophe suddenly looming out of the dark to scupper a supposedly unsinkable vessel. I have described lifeboats reserved for the privileged few as the way democratised money acts as an escape for the financial elite.


Funnily enough, recently Titanic co-star Kate Winslett pointed out there was actually enough room on the door she lay on to save the DiCaprio character at the end; he really didn’t need to die next to her in the freezing water after all. A fitting description of austerity if ever there was one.


In ‘The Aviator’, DiCaprio portrays Howard Hughes; famous and reclusive multi millionaire entrepreneur. Throughout the film Hughes spends his time either publicly engaging in theatrical argument with Congress or trying to get his massive and impractical seaplane, the ‘Spruce Goose’, off the ground.


At the climax of the film, the Spruce Goose does actually take off for a single flight, proving that Howard Hughes was right, at least in theory. Its all reminiscent of the Feds quarter point interest rate rise…. Just enough to prove its possible and then no more. And the film ends just as Hughes starts to go REALLY crazy. How apt…


DiCaprio ‘s latest offering, The Revenant, features our hero suffering an attack, reputed to be possibly sexual in nature, at the hands of a wild bear.

Again, this is an excellent dramatic metaphor for the ‘bear’ markets in the aftermath of the present cycle of dislocation that has caused wild fluctuations and devaluation in the global equities market.


Throughout the course of ‘The Revenant’ we see various European colonisers treating the natives and each other with unremitting cruelty and treachery. This cruelty is in turn mirrored by, or even exceeded by the brutal terrain which they inhabit.


Just like Conrad’s ‘Heart of Darkness’, the central theme of The Revenant is that Europeans revert to a savage state if circumstances warrant it. Sounds a bit like my discussion of The Great Unravelling..


There is a sense in which the achievements of the past decades are increasingly   lost in the New World we find ourselves in. It has become a commonplace that the children of this generation, (at least in the developed world), will find themselves in greatly reduced circumstances compared with those who have gone before them.


And furthermore these reduced circumstances will inevitably lead to an increase in competition and savagery. Traditional optimistic capitalism is leaving the stage, as Shakes pears famous phrase has it: ‘pursued by a bear (market)’.The only question remaining seems to be whether the character exits stage ‘left’ or stage ‘right’.


Stage Right


Should our hero decide to exit the stage on the right, waiting in the wings he will find someone, or something, like Donald Trump waiting for him. Trump is most famous for The Apprentice television series; a sometimes diverting comedic parody of the capitalist process.


The characters who regularly appear in ‘The Apprentice’ obviously have little or nothing to do with a serious political and economic system. They are more like a group of suburban revenants, survivors of a collapsing America, gradually having their absurd rhetoric of self worth stripped away by being asked (and failing), to perform even simple capitalist tasks.


The Ultimate Zero Hours Contract


Contestants end each episode in a kind of ‘Judasfest’ where they condemn each other before a magisterial Trump who finally informs one of the team: ‘You’re Fired!’. As I have mentioned before, since no-one is actually employed yet, this has to be the ultimate zero hours contract…


The Wild Bunch


The underling idea of ‘The Apprentice’ is to rescue something (represented by the winner) from an ever increasing set of adverse circumstances the ‘Best of A Bad Bunch’ might be a good alternative title for the program. (just as ‘The Wild Bunch’ might be a good alternative title for America).


In other words ‘The Apprentice’ illustrates a process of attrition -A Zero Sum Game. The irony is that since this is entirely a kind of abstract competition that   in itself represents the end of capitalism.


In neither TV programme or Presidential campaign, is Trump even slightly concerned with trying to maintain some kind of relevance to the logic and exigencies of capitalism or indeed any economic rationale whatsoever..


Trump makes proclamations that are simply broad generalisations along the lines of ‘We Will Make America Great Again’ or ‘We Will Make The Army Great Again’ that are in no way constrained by any practical considerations.


In essence Trump is running a salvage operation. His central claim to competence is that he can pick whatever diamonds there still are out of the dunghill. Trump is popular precisely because he does NOT bow down to the shibboleths of capitalism. In fact, Trump represents a yearning to adapt to the new set of post capitalist circumstances.


Stage Left


On the other side we have Bernie Sanders offering equally vague prognosis and solutions. But where Trump perspective is avowedly Anglo Saxon, Bernie is advocating ScandiSax – the Anglo Saxon version of a Scandinavian style integrated ‘socialist’ society. Except post WWII Scandinavian society is definitely an idea whose time has come- and gone. I have discussed on numerous occasions the tension between a welfare state and a mass immigration state. It seems like the decision has been made in favour of mass immigration in Scandinavia.


Sanders suggests a return to primitivism in the form of an idealised Eco world which is just like Trump, but from a different perspective and with different rhetoric. The central thrust is how to save what can be saved from an ending political and economic system.


And then again we have to consider Frau Clinton. Who is a whole another thing. Because while Bernie and Donald are all about what they are going to do, Hillary is already totally there-in the zone.


Hilary can be described as Full On Ultra Primitive Cultural Constituency. Donald and Bernie have some sort of idea why they want the Presidency, other than that she just wants it Hilary has none whatsoever.


Hilary does not argue, I WANT x, y or z. She ‘argues’ I AM a woman. Of course, this is not an argument, it is a statement. This is the essence of Cultural Constituency. If there is no argument, there can be no logic- there is no basis for logic if there is no argument. If there is no logic, there is no rationale. If there is no rationale there is no basis for agreement or compromise. Politics as we have understood it is over. This is the Great Unravelling.


In Titanic DiCaprio faced the consequences of his identity and embraced it at the point of his death in the sea. He agreed to Give It All Up for his Protestant Germanic love.


In The Aviator DiCaprio as Hughes came to terms with isolation,separation and finally disintegration (see ‘Vector History’), from everyone else and faced the terrible consequences of this. He embraced his identity, madness and death.


In The Revenant DiCaprio is estranged from his own coloniser people and the native Americans. In the end he sees his Native American wife heading into a dark forest without him and- you guessed it, he embraces his separate identity and death..


Get the picture?


So that leaves the question, given this strange ability to prefigure the life of the Germanic Cult of Capitalism what will DiCaprios next role?


I think I know.


GOODBYE, GOOD LUCK Or The Wrong Trousers Or Naming Subversion

‘The tartan truis or trousers date back to 1538 as a medieval style of woven tartan cloth trousers[1] as a garment preferably used during the Highland winter where the kilt would be impractical in such cold weather.[2] The word is triubhas in Scottish Gaelic. Truis or trews are anglicised spellings meaning trousers

 Tartan trews shared the fate of other items of Highland dress, including proscription under the Dress Act of 1746 that banned men and boys from wearing the truis (“Trowse”) outside of military service. The Dress Act lasted until 1782 when it was repealed under the reign of King George III.’


It seems that Russell Brand is hanging up his multimedia ‘Trews’- at least for the foreseeable future. Russell informed followers that the time has come to devote himself to sequestered learning in order to deepen his understanding of the profound changes that are taking place in the world.


In other words, Russell has realised that it might be helpful to actually study in depth what he has been talking about for the past couple of years.


Russell ended the last episode of ‘The Trews’ by assuring the world that he will be back at some point in time to continue the battle, but to tell the truth, his assurances seem a little forlorn.


I suspect that recently Russell has come to at least partially, recognise the true significance of the media onslaught that he has faced over a couple of years of battling the neo liberal corporate press. Primarily that he is one voice against many and that the enemy will come at him again and again, not as ‘single spies but in battalions’. So long as things go on this way he can’t win.


And surely this is part of a much bigger picture. We have seen endless round after round of systematic corporate media attacks on Tsipiras in Greece, Jeremy Corbyn in England and even Donald Trump in the race for the Presidential nomination in USA.


It doesn’t matter if you agree with what Brand, Tsipiras, Corbyn or Trump says, you understand that the corporate media is making concerted efforts to control the narrative and political outcome of each of these political conflicts.


The fundamental characteristic of this system is that these battles are permanent and unwinnable. No-one will ever be allowed to make a point against the order advocated by corporate media and then move on. The corporations simply wait out any insurgent offensive and then return to the attack. It is a matter of principle to make sure that opponents will not be seen to win even a minor point.


If you ever do manage to take a point against the elite you better be prepared to defend it from now until the end of time.


This is not about dialogue and it is not about give and take. And never will be. Because at a fundamental level the battle is not about what you think or even what you do- it is about who you are and who they are.


Now that we know a little more about why the elite does what it does we can have a look at how exactly it does what it does.


Name and Shame


“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

R. Buckminster Fuller


The power to name is the power to determine the terms of reference, and the terms of reference, more than any other factor, determines the outcome of the debate.


‘Financial instruments’,‘ quantitive easing’ and ‘austerity’ are not just random words picked out of the ether. They are specifically designed tools created to control the way that debate is structured.


If you accept these tools you have accepted fundamental building blocks of the discussion that are neither impartial or offer insight, but that serve the interests of one particular side of the argument.


With this in mind we can see that such familiar terms as:


‘The west’

‘the left’ and

‘the right’ and

‘the free market’


are not neutral technical ways of describing the world, they are constructed embedded mechanisms to control the way that politics and economics is discussed. ‘Austerity’, ‘derivatives’ ‘financial instruments’ have worked very well in ensuring that the way that the credit crunch is discussed conforms to the purposes of the elite.


As well as a monopoly on violence and a monopoly on creating money, the establishment elite has tried to establish and defend a monopoly on creating new word concepts. They don’t take well to anyone challenging that monopoly.


Once you understand this it gets really interesting.


Because a couple of decades ago group of people emerged in the ‘west’ who really began to understand the importance of naming. These disparate groups began to challenge the elite monopoly on naming. And their challenge to the naming monopoly, since it was introduced into a monopoly, almost immediately had a significant effect.


The naming elite initially had no effective response to this emergent challenge and in fact after two or three decades still have not managed to conclusively deal with it!


This Naming Subversion has mounted the single most effective challenge to elite methodology in nearly a century.




So are they and their achievements celebrated and emulated by all those who wish to challenge the elite power structure?


Of course not, they are vilified and hated. Probably, even by you.


Say what?


Who are these people then?


You know them as the ‘Political Correct’; you know them as ‘Cultural Marxists’.


‘Racism’ ‘sexism’ and ‘LBGT’ etc. are all relatively recent creations in the social discourse. And they have entered completely into the mainstream. They are components of a conceptual framework that has been completely absorbed by the Germanic world.


As a consequence of this absorption, the mainstream is continually forced to try to incorporate these terms and the conceptual framework they represent, into its rhetoric. And this process of forced response has changed the elite from what it was to what it is now. This is the technical reason that the post war Protestant consensus collapsed.


All of this achieved simply by employing the power of naming.


Of course there is a terrible ongoing danger for the elite here, since they can only adapt so far. As time goes on the cumulative effects of adapting to naming subversion are that the elite loses the prerogative of ruling. In other words if you stop acting like the elite, you stop being the elite. And you stop acting like the elite when you stop exercising your monopoly on naming.


An elite response to subversive naming had to be found. And the response was inevitably an attempt to control the debate by- elite naming. The elite response was to call Subversive Naming ‘Political Correctness’ and to call Subversive Namers ‘Cultural Marxists’ and to call all this type of politics ‘Identity Politics’!


And of course we all know how terrible these things are. And we all know how we instinctively recoil when we hear these terms. So now the elite have programmed an almost endless army of wind up toy soldiers to attack not only ‘PC’ but more importantly the principle behind PC.


Just like they produce an endless army of soldiers to attack Brand, Corbyn, Trump etc.


So it worked didn’t it?


(if you doubt the power that the elite naming monopoly has, try coming up with an original new name for a political phenomenon yourself)


Next time: Marketplace of Ideas